

MISA provides a platform for students to achieve graduation requirements more effectively.

English Language Arts Program

Delivered by our incredible teachers, most of whom are OCT qualified, and hold either a Master’s or a Ph.D. in their field, each English lesson contains grammar and writing exercises, vocabulary building activities, public speaking and oral presentation activities.


We focus on:

  • Grammar Skills
  • Vocabulary Building
  • Reading Comprehension and Analysis
  • Essay Writing / Critical Writing
  • Rhetoric and Literary Device Acquisition
  • Critical Lens Development
  • Logic and Reasoning
  • Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
  • Encouraging a Love of Literature



At MISA, students enjoy reading and discussing an array of contemporary and classic literature. While students engage in traditional literary analysis of the mechanics of texts (e.g., plot, themes, literary devices, etc.), they also go beyond this, investigating each text’s historical context, situating it not only in its time and place but in a history of important ideas that includes philosophy and politics, as well as sociology, psychology, feminism, postcolonial theory, and other social sciences.

At MISA, we encourage our students to treat literature as a conversation happening across generations, one that can bring to light fundamental truths about the human condition and the modern world. It is this approach to literature as a living conversation, rather than a collection of dead artifacts, that allows MISA’s teachers to not only enhance students’ reading, critical-thinking, and communication skills, while expanding their intellectual curiosity, worldliness, and cultural literacy, but to prepare them for the next stage of their academic journey at university.



At a ratio of 1:10, our small classroom sizes allow our teachers to address the unique needs of each and every student in class and on their homework assignments. Our teachers provide each student with detailed feedback and advice on how to improve their written and oral communication skills, reasoning and research methodology.